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What's on Reserve for 1Ls: Intro

What's on Reserve for 1Ls

Most of the material on Reserve falls into two basic categories. The first consists of high-use or hard-to-find research materials of interest to lawyers and students.  Keeping these materials on Reserve guarantees access by limiting the amount of time they can be checked out by an individual user. Reserve materials of this type include:

1. State bar association directories for Idaho;

2. Idaho and Washington practice materials and Continuing Legal Education materials;

3. Revised Code of Washington Annotated;

4. Idaho Code

The second type of material on Reserve consists of high use material of interest to students preparing for class and for finals.  It includes current textbooks, treatises, Hornbooks, and study aids such as: Nutshells, the Understanding series, the Examples and Explanations series, the Emanuel outlines, CDs, exams, and several handbooks and manuals concerning case briefing and taking law school exams.

See other sections on this page for partial lists of materials on Reserve for first year law students' courses.


TEXTBOOKS can be found on reserve. Supplemental materials required for classes, such as statutory supplements, are not available from the library. Call numbers for textbooks can be found on E-Reserves through the library’s webpage.


Exams are available on E-Reserves.

Circulation Supervisor


HORNBOOKS are texts on specific legal subjects.  Usually written by authorities in the field, hornbooks discuss basic legal concepts and provide references to important cases and statutes.  The name “Hornbook” is associated with West Publishing, but has become a generic label for this type of work.  West publishes a “Lawyers’ Edition” of some of its Hornbooks.  These editions are more extensively footnoted than “student edition” Hornbooks.  If your purpose is to get a general overview of an area, the regular Hornbooks are useful.  If you are beginning a research project, the Lawyers’ Editions are a better place to start.


Study Aids

NUTSHELLS and UNDERSTANDING series, like Hornbooks, are texts on specific topics, but they are shorter and less detailed.  Both series serve as “quick reads,” giving broad background to class study.

EXAMPLES AND EXPLANATIONS series publications focus on specific concepts by giving problems illustrating the concept and by explaining the correct answer choice.

EMANUEL LAW OUTLINES are "canned outlines" designed to help students understand class material and develop individual class outlines.